Tender whole chicken marinated overnight in yoghurt. fresh herbs and spices and...
Tender half chicken marinated overnight in yoghurt, fresh herbs and spices and...
2 Per Serve Drumsticks marinated overnight in yoghurt, fresh herbs and spices...
Boneless chicken breast pieces marinated overnight in yoghurt, fresh herbs and spices...
Combination of seasonal vegetables cooked with fresh tomatoes, fresh herbs and spices.
Chick peas and curried potatoes cooked with fresh tomatoes, onion and fresh...
Curried potatoes, green peas and cottage cheese cooked with aromatic spices.
Tender chicken pieces cooked in selected spices and pureed mangoes. Chicken with...
Chicken pieces cooked in the tandoori oven blended with onion and capsicum...
Tossed in butter and garlic, cooked with ground cashews and cream to...
Gently tossed in garlic and ginger, cooked in coconut milk and spices.
Marinated with ginger and garlic, cooked with fresh tomatoes and coriander.
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